Product Details

Bhaskarzyme Caps

Bhaskarzyme is the comprehensive and ideal digestive tonic for improving digestion process. The active constituent present in Bhaskarzyme stimulates digestive enzymes thus responsible for healthy digestion.

Additional Information

Actions & Benefits:
  • Enhances digestion by stimulation of the pancreatic enzymes in gastrointestinal tract
  • Possesses antispasmodic and carminative properties thus treats flatulence, dyspepsia and abdominal pains
  • Stimulate the liver to the secrete bile acids which in turn play key role in the absorption and digestion of fats
  • Stimulates the appetite by secretion of digestive enzymes such as pancreatic amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin and lipase
  • Indigestion
  • Anorexia
  • Colicky pain
  • Flatulence and other digestive problems


Adults     :1-2 caps thrice a day

Children: 1 caps thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

Adverse Effects:

No known adverse effects.


No absolute contraindications.




Strips of 10 capsules

  1. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Damanhouri and Ahmad, Med Aromat Plants 2014, 3:3
  2. Nutr. Res., 21: 1309-1314
  3. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Damanhouri and Ahmad, Med Aromat Plants 2014, 3:3
  4. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research Vol. 7(44), pp. 3247-3253, 25 November, 2013


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