Product Details

Calbhas Susp

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Calbhas, a rich source of natural calcium with minerals which is effective in calcium deficiency and osteoporosis. Along with calcium Calbhas contains some potent herbs which also reduces bone resorption process, exhibits osteoblastogenesis and estrogenic action in postmenopausal conditions.

Additional Information

Actions & Benefits:
  • Reduces bone loss and also reduce the osteoclastic activity (bone resorption process)
  • Accelerates fracture healing process
  • Increases blood calcium, vitamin D3, serum estrogen, bone mineral density and bone mineral content
  • Provide natural source of calcium as well as some minerals, which are essential for the bones.
  • Calcium Deficiency during Pregnancy & Lactation
  • Osteoporosis & Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis
  • Fracture Healing
  • Growing Children & Adults

Suspension: 1-2 tsf twice a day or as directed by the physician.

Adverse Effects:

No known adverse effects.


No absolute contraindications




200ml suspension.

  1.  Ups J Med Sci. 2009;114(3):140-8
  2.  Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences · October 2012
  3.  Indian J Pharmacol v.44(3); May-Jun 2012


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